目前分類:衝浪的故事 Surfing Story (62)
- Apr 03 Fri 2015 16:53
- Mar 28 Sat 2015 16:41
- Mar 22 Sun 2015 15:50
- Mar 13 Fri 2015 15:29
喔,當然免不了還是要有好萊塢帥哥Luke Wulson(也算是不錯的菜啦)
看完兩分多鐘的預告片,身為中年老母的凱特 (其實還有20年才會到中年啦,咳咳) 熱血沸騰! 只想馬上抓起板子跳下海裡和我那兩個孩子一起衝浪去!!
對於有男生的媽媽來說,會煮菜,會做蛋糕當然很令他們喜愛,但如果有一個會衝浪(即時只能站上板子幾秒鐘),還會手倒立的媽媽,絕對會讓他們更崇拜! (咳咳,不就是在說自己? 好意思嗎 XD)
衝浪時代愈來愈火熱,媽媽要了解男孩子,可以和他們試著玩在一起 !
女孩們,媽媽們,讓我們一起來看這部片,然後一起來當個帥氣勇敢的衝浪大女孩吧!! 吆呼~~~~~~
- Mar 12 Thu 2015 15:10
這幾天都有衝浪課,但都是一些 "就算只有一個人我也要勇敢往前衝 " 的狂熱分子!
- Feb 23 Mon 2015 15:22
尋找馬克專用衝浪大助手! ─<換宿+換衝浪+換人生精彩經驗!>
尋找馬克專用衝浪大助手! ─<換宿+換衝浪+換人生精彩經驗!>2015年全年都需要~~!!
今年開始,慢慢來CEO馬克大總裁 即將大顯身手,大幹一場! 從即刻起已天天展開瘋狂忙碌卻又興奮無比的老屋翻新工匠 + 有機小農手 + 衝浪教學一整年!!
位在南昌街的慢慢來,在馬克凱特和拉拉的用心照顧下,以及大家的支持愛護下,已經慢慢地愈來愈穩定( 也太容易滿足了 XD ),終於勇奪今年的奧斯卡金像獎………(喂! 回神! !!)喔,是慢慢來終於可以有穩定的入住旅人,讓我們可以開啟另一個提供旅人們共多樣的餐點,以及更舒適地練習瑜珈的室內空間了! 吆呼~~~~!!!
所以,為了凱特的幸福 (咦??),喔,是為了讓慢慢來的新計畫能更有效率的產出,讓衝浪的人可以早日有更舒服的休息據點,讓喜愛美食的慢慢來旅人有更棒的用餐環境,讓慢慢來瑜珈有更舒適的空間, 於是我們現在需要【馬克專用大助手】,和我們一起共同打拼創造2015興奮的新計畫!
- Feb 21 Sat 2015 14:03
Surfing Helper Wanted for March 2015.
Surfing Helper Wanted for March 2015.
We are looking for someone who can help out with our surfing classes From March and also help Mark work on the land and in doing work on the guest house in Taitung City. Details of the work are roughly as follows:
Helping out with surfing classes, including but not limited to:
l Organizing boards and surfing gear before class;
l Washing down boards and surf gear after class;
l Assisting with watching guests in the water as directed by Mark.
- Feb 06 Fri 2015 00:37
- Nov 13 Thu 2014 16:06
【衝浪團揪人】 之 11/15,16,18,三個漂亮女生,等著第四人併團衝浪去!!!
- Nov 13 Thu 2014 15:39
A beautiful way to start our beautiful day!
A beautiful way to start our beautiful day!
Good morning~~yoga & surfing girls!!
Oops,there is a boy too,haha.
- Nov 13 Thu 2014 14:55
【慢慢來衝浪課】之 感謝桌遊店長擔任昨天早上的衝浪課攝影師!
看照片,昨天的浪真的如馬克說的,浪很大;但是照片中的他們,卻每個都可以站在浪板上!而且都被胖胖店長給抓住了那一瞬間,將他們的半秒化為了永恆!! XDDD
- Nov 13 Thu 2014 14:39
【慢慢來Long Stay計畫】 之 一年四季一直都有的 [ 住滿七夜送一堂衝浪課 ]
這幾天才發現,原來沒有很多人知道,慢慢來一直都有[ 連續住滿七夜送一堂衝浪課 ] 的好康優惠。
但她今年八月底第三度再來,已經是熱鬧滾滾,有許多可以一起去衝浪的朋友,也有許多的課程可以選擇。這當中淇淇也在我們去非洲時,又來了一次! 只是那次沒有住七天,因為她知道我們不在台東,就算住上七十天大概也只能送臭豆腐了XD。
所以,淡淡的11月和12月就要到了, 有年假還沒休、出國經費短缺、很想離開陰雨連綿的北部、想去個安靜的地方散心,或是純粹只想過著一種"住遊" 生活的朋友,可以考慮到慢慢來住上七天七夜喔。
- Nov 13 Thu 2014 14:31
【慢慢來衝浪課 】 之 台東現在還是比基尼綻放的季節喲
然後,還是要幫俊秀又多話(XD)的香香帥哥,以及香港來的漂亮女孩(我想一定是)努力揪個團! 10/26~10/29,初階衝浪班,等你來遇見命運的驚喜安排!!(郵差先生,你說你說,是不是,是不是啊~~~XDDD)
- Nov 13 Thu 2014 13:26
【慢慢來衝浪Q & A 】 之 馬克回覆最近很多人轉載的一篇衝浪受傷文
【Keeping Safe and Healthy in the Water: Avoiding Surfer’s Myelopathy】-----By Mark
Recently I heard of a case of a condition called Surfer’s Myelopathy (SM) took place in Taiwan to a lady who was taking a beginners lesson. The injury left the woman with severe spinal injuries that took years to recover from. I was shocked, as while I have suffered and witnessed plenty of injuries and accidents in my 25 years of surfing (mostly caused by people hitting the reef) I have never heard of someone being left unable to walk after a simple surfing lesson. I have done a little research to try to understand the condition a little better to make sure that we can minimise the risk for our students. Below I set out a litle about what I found out on the rare condition, and also my own thoughts on how to lower the risk of such an injury or any other injury for that matter while in the water.
What is Surfer’s Myleopathy?
Surfer's myelopathy (SM) is a rare nontraumati paraplegia. It is a spinal cord injury caused by hyperextension of the back. When the back is hyperextended, a blood vessel leading to the spine can become kinked, depriving the spinal cord of oxygen. For this reason, it is sometimes referred to as "a stroke of the spinal cord. To simplify, it is a rare injury, not caused by a trauma (such as a fall) which damages the spinal cord and can leave a person potentialy paralised from the waist down. It is considered the cause is from over extending the back, or from having the back over extended (over arched) from the surfing posture.
Who is at risk?
Learners: The key risk factor seems to be inexperience as almost all persons afflicted were first-time surfers. A secondary risk factor seems to be fitness, in that people who are more sedentary with less developed muscles are more at risk as is dehydration (not drinking enough water).
What are the risks
Putting the danger in perspective, as the ASM website acknowledges, you have more risk of being attacked by a shark in the water than from getting SM. However, the risk while small is real, so if you are a first time surfer its worth to look at the tips below to minimise the risk of any injury.
Avoiding SM
The ASM website sets out the following Tips for First Time Surfers to avoid SM:
S – Sit on your board while waiting for the waves.
P – Pace your time in the water. Limit it to 30 minutes.
I – Insist on a knowledgable surfing instructor.
N – Notice signs of pain and discomfort in your back.
E – Exit the water and seek immediate medical attention if you experience pain or weakness.
I would add to this the following simple observations:
Walking out to the waves is better than paddling out and sitting on your board:
For first time surfers, in my opinion there is no need to paddle out or be in water at a depth where you can’t touch the ground. Why? The reason is simple, don’t waste your energy, and catch more waves. The goal in the first stage of surfing is to master the art of the paddle and the “pop up”, which is the action in which surfers use one motion to stand up on their surfboard.
The key to mastering both of these quicker is simple – catch more waves. Big, small, white water, its all the same at this point. The way we run lessons is students walk with their own boards into the water out to the point where they are comfortable, then they turn their boards around and jump on and start paddling in to catch a wave. Thus there is no need to spend a prolonged time on your board at this stage lying down with your back arched in the paddling position. Its better to use your leg muscles to get your self out back, and then save your back for paddling in to catch waves. Otherwise you waste too much time and too much energy trying to paddle out back and lying in water that’s too deep.
This technique will decrease the potential for SM as well as any other more normal strains from putting too much strain on the back. As you get better and more experienced and master the pop up, then you can start to paddle out and catch waves further out back. By that time your body and muscles will be more used to surfing and you are out of the SM high risk group.
Pay attention to your technique
I think this is under emphasised and consider that as almost all the sufferers of SM were first time surfers perhaps poor technique led to them putting an increased level of strain on their lower spines. Surf coaches should spend time and energy trying to install good technique into their students and not just to stand up faster but also to avoid injury.
The pop up requires a surfer to synchronise the movements of a jump forward (using the lower body) and a push up (using the upper body). It is crucial for injury avoidnce that these two motions are done together, however the difficulty for many first time surfers is that as it’s a new movement they lack the muscle memory to combine the actions together at the start.
As a result I see a lot of first time students first extending their arms to push themselves up and then jumping forward, basically breaking down the one motion pop up into two separate movements. Some surf schools even teach this as its easier to get students standing this way and it feels safer to some students than the winner takes all pop up at once movement.
The danger is that breaking down the pop up into separate movements puts a great deal more strain on the lower back and spine than synchronising the movements. When you do the pop up movements together correctly it’s your shoulder, upper back muscles and feet that provide you with your upward and forward momentum together.
The lower back and spine are basically neutral movers except for your hip twist when in the air. Thus no strain is put on your spine. However, if you first extend your arms, then jump forward, inorder to recreate the same momentum your initial push up would have given you to get your body jumping forward most students over extend their lower back using their hips and lower spine to create that second burst of forward momentum. This action places quite a lot of strain on the lower back and spine and increases the risk of straining or injuring the back. So when you are in the water, make sure you work hard to keep good technique. If you are getting muscle fatigue, take a rest on the beach for bit rather than risk injury through forcing it with poor technique.
Listen to and be patient with your body.
Often the most simple advise is the most effective – that is be realistic and patient with your body and to listen to it. We should all keep in mind the single and only important goal of surfing – fun. There is no need for anyone to push themselves past the point their body condition is in at that moment. So as I tell my students, relax and remember, its not important whether you stand up or not, but only that you have fun. If you have never surfed before and don’t do regular exercise, take it easy. Perhaps the first lesson just learning to paddle and surfing the waves lying down is enough. Its still super fun, and way more fun than straining your back or worse. If you need to take a break, have one, drink plenty of water and don’t pin your own progress to what others do, or your own expectations. If you enjoy what you are doing and progress as fast as your body is comfortable then you will certainly get there in the end. And most importantly you will enjoy the ride along the way which as every surfer knows is the end goal of surfing itself.
So, have fun, listen to your body and stay safe. See you in the ocean.
BTW, for anyone that is interested in reading more about SM please see the resources set out on the surfer’s myleopathy foundation wbsite at http://www.smawareness.org/
- Nov 13 Thu 2014 13:09
【慢慢來衝浪的故事】之 比基尼衝浪Q&A
關於這個問題,凱特心有餘但料不足 ,實在沒辦法證言回答,故特地請來了比基尼狂野妹來位大家親身示範說明。
看! 我們圖中的狂野妹多奔放又自在,誰能比她更懂綻放青春的權利啊~~~!
雖然!!!!(對,四個驚嘆號! )曾經聽說有人的確有些時候不小心走位了,但大海茫茫,浪頭來時也各自抓,根本沒人有時間會注意妳;如果真有人看到了,那,又如何??
- Nov 13 Thu 2014 12:45
- Nov 13 Thu 2014 12:31
今天農曆十六,漲潮,水很多,浪不錯,不大,但有力; 初學者們個個精神煥發,興奮中夾雜些許緊張,相信又將是美好且充滿能量的一天!
- Nov 12 Wed 2014 17:00
【慢慢來衝浪的故事】之 當16 歲與 61 歲遇上同一片海
【慢慢來衝浪的故事】之 當16 歲與 61 歲遇上同一片海
什麼?! 大前天才從高雄來到台東露營,昨天一到達慢慢來後又衝回台南,結果今天下午又要趕過來台東,準備參加明天的衝浪!!!
- Nov 12 Wed 2014 16:54