慢慢來提供衝浪課程給有興趣的朋友。馬克是本課程的負責人,也有衝浪教練團隊因應不同的學習課程, 詳細資訊可參考下方內容,若想知道更多,歡迎來信或電話詢問!
慢慢來提供衝浪課程給有興趣的朋友。馬克是本課程的負責人,也有衝浪教練團隊因應不同的學習課程, 詳細資訊可參考下方內容,若想知道更多,歡迎來信或電話詢問!
【台東慢慢來瑜珈/ 衝浪教學營】 四大放鬆活力課程歡迎預約!
馬克一家人二月份起就回到慢慢來啦! 所有的衝浪課和瑜珈課程也就瞬間恢復啦!!
即使過年期間,也是從初二開始就有衝浪課,瑜珈課更是天天都有喔~!! 過年期間來旅行,記得也來動一下,避免大魚大肉身材大走樣啊~~
一. 單堂瑜珈。提供瑜珈墊、瑜珈磚和瑜珈繩。(水與大小毛巾請自備)。
二. 2天1夜 放鬆課程
三. 3天2夜 活力課程
四. 3天2夜 上天下海兩棲課程 ( 三種瑜珈+衝浪)
五. 4天3夜 海陸空總匯課程( 沙灘+空中等六種類型瑜珈)
【Taitung Open of Surfing – Nov 25th to 29th 2015 】
- The days are Weds to Sunday, the main days will be the Sat and Sun, when I guess the finals will be.
- Usually, the days kick off at 8.30 am and can go through to about 4.
3 packges:
1. Half day: Surf in morning – 6 to 8:00, come back to eat Dong He Bao Zi, and then go down to watch the surfing, prob stay for 2 – 3 hours, from say 9 to 12. Package would include surf lesson, and watching the surfing competition for 2-3 hours.
2. Option 2: Just take people to watch the surfing. We could run a shuttle service, taking people out and they can stay out there all day, or half day. Most likely I will only go out and back once, so people need to choose how long they want to stay out there before.
3. Option 3: For people who can already surf, I can take them surfing before the event, then after we can go eat bao zi, and watch the event.
ALSO: In the evenings, we can do the bar, and I can put on a surf competition (world surfing league Championship series) and they can watch and ask me any questions they like about the competition and how it works.
Finally on other nights, each night, during the bar opening, I can play different surf videos for people to watch.
In short its Day time Surfing, watching the Taitung Open of surfing
Nighttime: watching old competitions and surf videos and guests can ask any questions they want about the surfing.
南非Jefferey Bay是世界衝浪人的聖地。這次旅行時馬克當然帶我們去了那裡朝聖,住了一星期。那一星期除了衝浪、看書、BBQ,當然還不能去鎮上許多間的衝浪專賣店晃晃,看看能否有什麼便宜又好看的衣物可買。
J Bay擁有世界上所有衝浪品牌的專賣店和OUTLET。Quiksilver、Roxy、Reef、Billabong、RipCur、O’nell等知名品牌,在這裡一應俱全。我們本想買自己的,但看看那價格,覺得實在不買太可惜,於是想到可以多帶幾件,讓到慢慢來衝浪的朋友可以平行價購買,就努力地開心地採買,一件一件挑選後再塞進我們本來就要海運回去的三大箱包裹中。
With summer just around the corner, if you’re thinking of surfing, here are some exercises that you can do to get your self ready and have the best chance of standing up quickly and enjoying it more. Even if you’re stuck in the heart of Taipei, you can start to practice!
夏天快到了,想要學習衝浪的人,可以先做一些行前訓練,好讓你真的下水時可以有更多的機會站上浪板,得到更多的衝浪樂趣! 即使你還遠在離東海岸很遠的台北或是台中等城市,這些都是你在家就可以練習的喔!
All round Exercises for Surfing
1. Swimming:
Sounds obvious, but swimming, especially freestyle is probablly the best excersice you can do to get your body ready for surfing. Free style swimming uses the same muscles as paddling on a surf board, and you’ll soon realise that paddling well is one of the keys to success in surfing. So get your self to the local pool and get into it. If you can’t do freestyle, then just do what you can, everything helps but the more time you spend in the water, the more confident you will be when you get into the ocean.
1. 游泳
所以趕快去你家附近的泳池開始游泳吧! 如果不會自由式,那就做你會游的招式,只要是可以幫助你在水裡感到自在與自信的游泳方式都可以。
This year over CNY we will have a surfing class available each morning. Early morning is the best time to surf on the East Coast during winter as normally the bei hai feng (strong north east winds) will start to blow each morning at around 8:30 am or 9:00am and the conditions once the strong wind is blowing is not as comfortable, nor are the waves as good. For this reason, we go out early to get some waves before the wind starts to blow through.
What to Expect in Winter Surfing in Taitung.
Take Your Time Guest House Surfing Classes in Taitung Taiwan.
Over Summer (from June to end of August) we will have surfing classes and guided surf tours for any guests that are interested. I (Mark) will be running the classes / tours, and we will take up to eight (8) persons at a time maximum in one session. I have put together this note, to try give you an idea. For anything more specific, just send me an email, marknzsurf@gmail.com, or call me +886 912316708.