

Who is this for:
The clinic is designed for people who already have some experience surfing, can already stand up on a wave, are confident paddling and are already starting to surf outback.  Most people will already have their own board.



What we will cover: Key aspects of intermediate surfing with a goal for surfers to be able to up their wave count, take off successfully on more waves and complete waves riding them with confidence for a longer time.  Specifics include:

l  Reading the beach and line up.  Where are the rips and currents, where is the best place to paddle out, and where is the peak. Focussing on identifying safe entry and exit points and currents so you can more confidently and safely surf by yourself at a break.

l  Reading the wave: Knowing where it’s going to break, and early paddling to position yourself in the best position to take off in the wave, instead of paddling and missing the wave, or having it come down on your head.

l  Improving your take off:  Paddling for take off, angling into waves and faster pop up so that you can consistently cleanly take off on the unbroken part of the wave with speed and not get caught up in the lip.

l  Bottom Turn: Once you are on a wave dropping down being able to confidently execute a bottom turn to get you back up onto the face of the wave with speed. A good bottom turn is essential to set up almost all other follow on moves.

l  Re Entrys and cut backs.  Two key manouvers for top to bottom surfing and to allow you to stay in the power pocket of the wave and surf the entire wave without losing speed, out running the wave or having it break infront of you.

l  Duck Dive: the art of duck diving, key for surfing out back and having confidence in larger waves.

l  Exercises to improve surfing: Will go through some exercises that you can do to improve your surfing (pop up, balance and landing) when you are out of the water.


Time: 10/24~~~12/10


How the course will run:   Course will start on Fri evening at 6:00pm with a video session and welcome, and will finish on Mon night at approx 7:pm.  Saturday, Sunday and Monday will be spent surfing all day with two full surfing sessions a day, one at dawn and one in the afternoon. Surfers can expect to spend at least 5-6 hours a day in the water surfing.   In addition, each person in the class will have some of their waves recorded and each evening we will do a video review session, where we go through each surfer’s performance and provide feedback on how they may improve for the following day’s session.  We all also do some specific video clinics on the key moves set out above.


Location: Course location is in Take Your Time GuestHouse in Taitung City.  Each morning we will travel up the coast to be in the water on dawn and spend the day surfing. Specific surfing location will depend on conditions, but the aim is to allow surfers to surf at least a few different breaks.  Each evening, after the day’s session we will travel back to Taitung City.


What is included. 

l  Accomodation (Bunk Bed) – 3 nights (Fri, Sat and Sun)

l  Transport each day to surfing and back (3 days - Sat, Sun and Mon)

l   Surfing coach (Mark) will accompany students each day and be in the water with them each session. 

l  Video recording of surfers with review and specific feedback for improvement

l  Video clinic for each specfic manouver (see above for details on what is covered).

l  Teaching surfing exercises.


What is not included:

l  Board: As this course is for intermediate surfers it is assumed that each surfer will have their own board. If someone really needs a board, we can try to organise one, but they must let us know in advance.

l  Wetsuit. If you feel the cold and need a wetsuit, you will need to bring your own. Again if you really need us to prepare one, please let us know in advance and we will try to organise one.

l  Food: Each day we will stop somewhere to eat during the day and every one can just buy what they want or prepare it beforehand.  Each evening we return to Taitung city where there are many options for food, within walking range of our guest house.


Cost:  3 days 3 nights ,per person is  9000 NT$.(Including  bunk bed,transportabtion and surfing coaching fee)
Note:mininmun is 2 persons.





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