You will see a Recycle Sign in the 1st floor ,that was design by this liitle artist.(will post that Sign later.)
Reduce Plastic Water Bottle Use – Drink our RO Water! – Good for the Earth and your wallet
To encourage our guests to stop buying bottled water, we have installed a Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier in our guest house, which provides clean safe and free drinking water for all our guests when ever they want. We encourage you please, drink our water while you are in our guest house, and before you go out, fill up your water bottles as much as you can. Avoid any as many purchases of bottled water you can. It will save you money, and it also saves the earth.
What’s the problem with Plastic Water Bottles?
Where it comes from….
Plastic water bottles are mostly made from polyethylene which is a petro chemical which comes mostly from oil (although sometimes it can come from Natural Gas). To make the polyethelene, there are a couple of chemical reactions which are required which includes cracking oil which requires extremely high heat. Heat = intensive energy, which in industrial proceeses is provided in these parts of the world mostly by coal (sometimes it can be natural gas).
This means that both oil, and high energy chemical reactions have been used just to make that little plastic bottle (as well as transportation etc etc). This equals carbon emissions (green house gases). Without getting heavy about it, it’s a no brainer. Every time you avoid the purchase of a plastic water bottle, it means a little less oil and high energy (most likely from coal power) has needed to be used.
Where its going.
I think its well known that common plastic doesn’t degrade easily if at all, so when we throw it away it doesn’t just dissapear. If we can recycle it, that’s great, but even recycling is not a total solution, as currently the plastic can only be recycled so many times due to the polymers getting weaker each time its recycled. That means that the recycled plastic comes out at a lower grade, and eventually, it will get to the point in its lifecycle where it will be chucked out. In addition, as a dirty industry secret, when the price of oil is low, there is little economic incentive for industry to recycle the plastic bottles as its cheaper to just make more polyethelene than to recycle, therefore you will find a lot of your hard work recycling in vain as they just tip a good portion of it anyway.
None of us like to see plastic on the beach, or in the ocean, or at the side of the river – it sucks. It might sound minor, but if everyone could avoid at least some of their purchases of plastic water bottles, in the aggregate it would make a big difference. As always at the end of the day, we can’t control what others do, but we can control our own actions. So please, use our water.